5 Simple Changes to Implement for Softer, More Hydrated Hair

Too often naturalists experience chronic dryness. As a naturalist with low porosity 4B hair, I can admit the cycle seemed never-ending. I would wash my hair, then two days later, it would be dry as straw. Thankfully, over the past couple of years, I’ve learned some tips that have made all the difference in my hair care. They’re simple tips that guarantee a difference in hydration retention no matter porosity or hair type! Simplicity is always key.


1) Shampoo twice. Yes, TWICE!

This rule may seem controversial, but it’s supported by professional hairstylists who specialize in black, natural hair. Unfortunately, it’s a rule that’s not spoken of often! As we know, shampooing removes build-up and residue from the scalp. What you may have not known, is that one wash isn’t enough. Essentially, the first wash removes dirt and the second enacts the moisturizing properties of the shampoo. Dirt is synonymous with anything that’s harmful to your scalp. Buildup from styling products, excess oil that may have clogged pores, pollution, etc. could increase dryness! The first wash guarantees such buildup is erased, yet the second increases nourishment. Nourishment is crucial as it adds strength, protein, or whatever else the shampoo brand emphasizes as an advantage. To find some of the most moisturizing shampoo brands, please reference our other article, 5 Moisturizing Shampoos For Natural Hair. Some other favorite shampoo brands are available here on the website! Customer favorites range from the Design Essentials Oat Protein & Henna Deep Cleansing Shampoo to the Curl Theory Aloe & Honey Moisturizing Shampoo, and Tailored Beauty Coconut Crème Shampoo!


2) No product will ever be better than plain H2O!

Plain water will forever be the GOAT. Whoever started the myth that black hair was incompatible with water, knew nothing of nourishment! Plain water will be your biggest friend in retaining hydration. The word itself is directive of H2O! Whenever you’re looking for supreme hydration, water is always the first step. Quite literally, the most moisturizing products will either have “Water” listed as either the first or second on the ingredient’s list. This illustrates the importance of water for hydration! It is important to note even if the product is water-based, nothing can rival the application of pure water. The best distribution of water is via a spray bottle. A spray bottle decreases the likelihood of soaking wet hair, rather than dampening it. Damp hair is optimal in absorbing products!


3) 60/40 Rule!

This a rule that’s been recently introduced to me. My curls haven’t been happier since applying this rule! Like my previous tip, applying 60% of water to 40% of styling products is ideal! For example, when applying your deep conditioner, make sure you distribute 60% water and then 40% of the product. Whenever you apply a product it’s best to start with the smallest amount then add more as necessary. Often when our curls have a hard time retaining moisture it’s because we’re using too much product. As mentioned earlier, this just increases build-up which leads to dandruff, greasiness, and much more nasty effects. Without the proper amount of water, you’re only dehydrating your curls to then “weigh them down”.


4) Material is everything.

Be mindful of the fabric you’re applying to your hair! Satin and silk materials reduce frizz and retain moisture due to their smooth texture. As a result, there’s less friction on your beautiful strands! Healthier hair, more shine, less breakage, and moisture retention are all positive effects of doing so. Satin and silk pillowcases, bonnets, scarves, durags, even scrunchies are amazing opinions to have in your possession! Scrunchies have the extra layer of protection from the elastic band that resides inside. Traditional elastic hair ties can be extremely harsh as it increases friction thus dryness. As a result, your hair begins to break at the location it was used to tie thus a dent is created. If you don’t want your scalp numb and ends damaged, silk, and satin scrunchies are a great investment! 


5) Start from the bottom now we’re here!

Whenever you’re applying product or detangling, the ends should be catered to first. Your ends are the oldest, aka most fragile, section of your hair. The ends of your hair tend to have the most tangles and knots, so it’s important to work through them gently and thoroughly. By working from the bottom up, you’re less likely to harm strands that don’t need excessive attention. 

Black hair care thrives on simplicity! It’s important to always remember that small differences in routine can lead to amazing results in the end. Softer, hydrated hair isn’t unattainable for us natural beauties! 

Please feel free to comment on your own personal tips in retaining moisture. If you’ve tried any of the tips shared above, please tell us how it worked out! If you’re struggling to find the right products, take our personal Hair Quiz, to let us help you out. After finding your best-suited products, don’t hesitate to subscribe to our Killin’ the Game Subscription Box for $50! If the Subscription box doesn’t fit your current needs, our Winter Collection is also available for a short period! Its selection is featured on the Home Screen so please browse to your heart’s desire. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @ericasbeautyshop to stay informed on restock alerts, new articles, and much more exciting news!

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